Custom Van Cover for Dodge Ram Van
The Dodge Ram Van cover focuses on accommodating its larger size and boxy shape while ensuring durability and protection against the elements. You can choose between two different types of fabric options – Duro Pro and Duro Luxe. While one weighs 160 GSM, and the other 240 GSM, both the fabrics are wear, tear and abrasion resistant. The custom covers safeguard the body of your vehicle from the harmful UV-rays of the sun, maintaining the vibrant color through the years. There’s a waterproof layer that eliminates the possibility of rusting in the future. The fabric is light and breathable, making it easy to cover and uncover your vehicle. Covers & All assures the same reliability for various car cover models like – SUVs, Sedans, sports cars, vans, trucks, hatchbacks, wagons and more!
Sturdy Materials that Put the Brakes on Vehicle Wear & Tear
Features that Drive Away Your Protection Woes
Duro Pro
Duro Plus
Duro Shield